Some of the sources suggest that WhatsApp is finally working on the development of the most awaited feature that is true multi-device support. According to the sources it has been reported that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerburg in an interview with Webanto claimed that now Whats App will be able to get login into four devices without the fact that the main device should have an active internet connection. He also said that still there will be end-to-end encryption of the messages of the user.
Cathcart to the Zuckerberg statement added that within a few weeks a beta version of the same feature will be there in the market and then the parent version will get launch.
It is expected that the users will witness more privacy features to WhatsApp than earlier. The release of more privacy features is expected to come along with the beta version of the feature of Multi-Device Support. Also, it is expected that a new feature will come that has the option of making the disappearing messages as default. Also, just like Instagram, there will be a “view once” feature. So, just like it now the users will get an option to view the message with the media only once before it gets vanished.
But the addition of these features to WhatsApp will not help to overcome the controversy and the market loss that it faced at the time of the launch of the latest privacy policy. But the addition of these features will definitely make WhatsApp one of the toughest competitors in the market. Also, it will give good competition to the rival chat apps that have the feature of multi-device connections. But the security level that is provided by Telegram and Signal can’t beat Whatsapp.
Also, recently WhatsApp bought out some of the latest to its privacy policy to which most of the audience was not happy with. But, it is still expected that by the addition of these features some of the audience might forget the talk about the latest privacy policy.