Twitter on Thursday reopen its verification process for the first time in three years. As it was paused earlier in the year 2017 in the month of November. After that, it has opened now. The verification process is expected to gradually come to the users over the next week. The user can find the same in the account settings which are there in the tab service.
However, now the company is applying or bringing out a new process of verification. Which will automatically add a checkmark to the account of the user. That will automatically authenticate the user’s profile to be used by others.
So, now for a verification process, it becomes important for the user’s account to have a profile picture. With that, it may have a verified and confirmed phone number or an email address. With this, the user of whosoever is handling the account, the account must be active for about one in the previous six months. With this, there should be a record of adhering to the company’s rules.
So, here is the type of account category for which Twitter is expected to fall for the process of verification:-
1. Government
2. Companies, brands, and organizations
3. News organizations and journalists
4. Entertainment
5. Sports and gaming
6. Activists, organizers, and other influential individuals
Also, a company mentioned that it would maybe add more of the categories to the verification process that includes the scientists, academics, and religious leaders, later this year.
So, now the users who will accept the verification process can go on easily. If some of the users who reject it for the first time can reapply for the same within a period of 30 days. Otherwise, the account will get suspended.
The new application process by Twitter comes in controversy after a very long time. It means that has come almost after 3-4 years. It came back later in November 2017 and now in 2021. The rumors suggest that it came as the company received a lot of criticism for its decision to verify Jason Kessler. The person was one of the organizers at the August 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. With this, he also became the cause for the death of a woman.