Image Credit: Cambridge News

December is going to be joyful for all night sky lovers across the world. Venus will emit more lights than it used to be, during the last month of the year. During November, the planet came behind the Jupiter; as a result, its light was hard to find out in the night sky. But in December, Venus is approaching Saturn; therefore, one can locate the planet easily in the South-West sky. The planet will look like a bright spot in the night, and easily distinguishable from the nearby stars and planets. One can find Saturn on the upper left corner of Venus. But, the light emitted by Saturn is relatively dimmer than Venus. 

Naval Observatory of the United States’ Navy revealed that both the planets would place very close to each other on the 7th of December. Over time, two planets will increase their distance between them. On the 11th of December, both planets will separate by two degrees, observatory confirmed. 

Canada’s Royal Astronomical Society revealed that the full phase of the moon would take place on the 12th of December at midnight, according to East Coast time. 

Geminid Meteors Shower

American Meteor Society confirmed the most exciting space event of December. On the 13th of December, Geminid Meteors will reach its peak period. As a result, observers will able to see a massive meteor shower in the night sky. Society predicts that the number will reach as high as 150 per hour. It also claimed that during the peak period, observers could see even the number of meteors in specific regions. But, the presence full moon on the same day might pose a threat to this shower. As the night sky expected to be bright, observers might face problems to locate some meteors on the night. Most of the meteors will come from an asteroid called Phaethon 3200. 

Another meteor shower called Ursids will bring a small shower on the 21st of December. Observers will able to locate around ten meteors per hour. 

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Alice Jane
Alice is the Chief Editor with relevant experience of three years, Alice has founded Galaxy Reporters. She has a keen interest in the field of science. She is the pillar behind the in-depth coverages of Science news. She has written several papers and high-level documentation.


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