In an unfortunate incident, the first launch of the SpaceX’s Starship prototype failed miserably. The video surfaced on the internet shows the failure of the highly anticipated event. The video shows that the top portion of the spacecraft broke off during the launch. As a result, the launch could not be completed. Once the top part broke and flew away, a dense layer of smoke covered the entire place. If you are anyone other than Elon Musk, you will be hurt and lose your morale after such failure, but the same is not correct for Elon and his team.
Musk’s Reasoning
After the failure of the highly anticipated mission, Musk revealed his thoughts on the microblogging site Twitter. He wrote that the recent breakdown was just the test of a prototype; the final version will have a different design altogether. Musk again revealed that the recently failure Mk1 was only manufacturing pathfinder, the plan to carry out the flight is entirely different than Mk1.
The Different Approach from SpaceX
The history of the SpaceX shows that the company’s approach is quite different than other aerospace companies. SpaceX historically supports a quick design process; as a result, the company can carry out several tests before the final launch. If any prototype fails, SpaceX usually fixes them in minimal time. And interestingly, the company considers it as a part of the developmental process. On the other hand, the government-sponsored organizations like NASA usually try to bring perfection in design before public launch. As SpaceX is a private organization, these kinds of failures will not hurt the organization a lot.
The opinion of analysts is also in the same line with Musk. Experts think that the failure will not bring any adverse effect on the company. Currently, the engineers of SpaceX are working hard on the design front of Mk2 and Mk3 in two different sites, Florida and Texas.