The all-new Mi 11 Lite is all set to launch in India on Tuesday, June 22nd. The mobile phone’s key features are an FHD+ AMOLED 90Hz display, 64MP triple cameras, and a 4,250mAh battery. With this, the price for the same is expected around Rs 25,000.
Xiaomi is all set to launch the all-new Mi 11 Lite in India. However, the phone has been out in China for a very long time. The mobile phone is an alternative to the  Mi 11, Mi 11 Pro, and Mi 11 Ultra. The mobile phone is chipped in both 4G and 5G flavors in China. But it is expected that only the 5G model will get launched.
The launch date for the Mi 11 Lite is set for Tuesday, June 22nd. The mobile phone will get disclosed through an online stream at 12:00 hours.
The price of the Mi 11 Lite price in China is RMB 2,299 that is around Rs 25,500. However, this cost is for the lower variant that comes with 8GB RAM and 128GB storage. The model that comes with 256GB storage costs around RMB 2,599 which are approx Rs 28,800.
The all-new Xiaomi Mi 11 Lite comes with a 6.55-inch FHD+ AMOLED panel that refreshes at 90Hz. The touch sampling rate of the mobile phone is of 240Hz. If the 4G variant launches, it is expected to have Qualcomm Snapdragon 732G SoC chipset. Whereas the 5G variant is expected to be having the chipset as Snapdragon 780G chipset. On the part of the battery, both the variants come with a 4,250mAh battery, which supports 33W fast charging. At the back, there is a setup for the triple camera. The camera bump includes a 64MP primary sensor is assisted by an 8MP ultra-wide-angle lens, and a 5MP macro lens.
At the front, there is a camera of 20MP sensor for selfies and video calls. This time the company is also offering an under-display fingerprint sensor for biometric authentication.