During an interview in Spain for the new Esquire Spain, John Travolta got a candid pic while the whole of the mourning process and said that it was one of the very personal pics.
And in context to the same, he said that: ‘I have learned that mourning someone is personal. Mourning’s individual and experiencing your own journey’s what can lead to healing. This is different from someone else’s journey. The most important thing that you can do to help another when they’re in mourning is to allow them to live it and to not complicate it with yours. That is my experience. Life’s movement and a journey, what you leave behind in people, I guess that is your legacy.
And later on said that: ‘How they interpret my life will be different for each one. And that’s fine, because that will be me. The best thing that I do is try to get to that part of life that allows me to enjoy it, and that joy’s experiencing dance, music … and people. I will ensure the future of my children, help them with what they want to do with their lives. It’s what I do with Ella now with her films and teaching her to work in the profession. Ben’s barely 10 years old. I want to help him evolve because he has his whole life ahead of him.’
And last summer only John Travolta shared the news in media about the passing away of his wife.
And along with this, the message gave by John Travolta was with love and sadness and it was completely seen that the actress was appreciating her fighting from the disease for about 2 years.
The actress died last year at the age of 57 and the death date as of 12th July 2020 and John Travolta clearly said that the actress would be missed most of the time by her kids and her husband who was John Travolta