One of the most anticipated singing shows in the history of the Music Industry is Indian Idol. The show is running on its 12th season so far. Another weekend, another episode. We all know how much effort and to what extent it takes to make the concept of the show. The makers of the Indian Idol every year do not fail to amuse us at all. The only concern is to make the audience feel connected to the show.
In the last episode of Indian Idol 12, it was Karishma special episode. All the contestants gave their best to make that night memorable and interesting. All the contestants sang Karishma’s popular songs to make her feel special of, course. Every weekend, we see the legends on the show. Maintaining this same trend, this weekend too, we gonna meet the legend from the Bollywood Industry.
Tonight, in Indian Idol 12 we will see Dharmendra. And not only this, but Anita Raj will also join the show tonight. Tonight’s episode will gonna be a power pack episode with many amazing performances that will gonna touch your heart. But as we all know, there will be eviction too. So, yes, one of the contestants will get evicted from the show tonight. Good Byes are always hard!!
Tonight, it will be kind of Retro theme night. Dharmendra and Anita Raj will be there too. The makers have decided to make it a Retro night where the performers of the show will give tribute to one of the legends of the Bollywood Industry Dilip Kumar who recently passed at the age of 98.
Dharmendra and Dilip Kumar have always been best friends and there is no doubt, how much people adore their friendship. We have seen Dharmendra’s connection with Dilip Kumar. So, during the episode, Dharmendra got emotional as all the songs are making him remind of his friend Dilip.
We all know, Indian Idol 12 has already got its top 6 contestants. Now, throughout the journey that is left, all these contestants will be battling against each other to reach out to the trophy of the show. Fans are curious to get their next Indian Idol.
In tonight’s episode, all these top 6 contestants will be giving their best to hold their position in the finale of the show. It’s high time now and there’s no chance of getting risk. The contestants are now more conscious. But are in full mode to spread the magic of their voice.