The 60-year-old English actor mentioned that how Drew Barrymore sent him a letter of support. Even after the fact that he was arrested following an encounter with the sex worker Divine Brown.
Hugh recalled it by saying that ‘Oh my god, you did, you were so nice!”. Drew reminded him that she wrote him a letter of support before going to jail and even they are not met in person at that time.
He admitted it and said ‘It was during the dark days of my Divine Brown scandal, I was just an idiot. I was a grown-up idiot who got caught by the police,’
However, the letter of drew was proved to be a letter of respite as it was collected by hoards of reporters. Who gathered around the house of actors in order to cover it.
He recalled the lines that he mentioned he said that ‘I was back in England with 5,000 members of the press around the borders of my farm and I opened a letter, from you, that was very supportive and nice, and it was very cheering up and I thought, ‘I love Drew Barrymore.’ Words of support from an actress I didn’t know in Hollywood was lovely, so, you will always have a place in my heart,’
Drew also mentioned that she felt so much bad at that time because he was so close to her. Was like a family to her and she felt that it had happened with her.
Drew said that ‘I think that whether it’s an actor or politician or anything in between we expect people to be infallible, perfect, never flawed and God forbid we do anything in our personal lives that we would like to remain personal but we don’t have that privilege at a certain point because the cat gets let out of the bag and I just had to reach out to you,’
She also added to it that ‘I just appreciated you and you were just the most charming human,’