How to Move from WhatsApp to Telegram?
source: beebom

As we all know that after the updated terms and policies of WhatsApp that now the user is able to share the same data with Facebook also. So, due to this type of more terms and policies of WhatsApp have also been updated and the users have also got fed up with the new terms of WhatsApp. So, most WhatsApp users are now looking for an alternative and mainly there are two alternatives that are signal and telegram, and if the user is looking for the answer to the question that How to Move from WhatsApp to Telegram? then the user has come to the right place.

If the user is using Telegram for the first time and is unaware of the features and terms and conditions of it then there is no need to worry about anything by the user as it is just a simple thing and in this article, we will tell you all the details about the telegram.

But let’s first know that why should one move from WhatsApp to telegram

As I discussed above that the updated terms and policies of WhatsApp allow the user to share the data with other Facebook companies such as Facebook Payments, Onavo, Facebook Technologies, and many more.

These are the lines of the terms and policies of WhatsApp “As part of the Facebook Companies, WhatsApp receives information from and shares information (see here) with, the other Facebook Companies. We may use the information we receive from them, and they may use the information we share with them, to help operate, provide, improve, understand, customize, support, and market our Services and their offerings, including the Facebook Company Products,”

Moreover, now we have the list of the details that WhatsApp will share from the other Facebook companies.

1. Phone number
2. Transaction data
3. Service-related information
4. Information on how you interact with others when using Facebook services
5. Mobile device information
6. Your IP address

It also said that the “may include other information identified in the Privacy Policy section entitled Information We Collect”. The section of these terms and policies also include address book, status information, payments data, to name a few. Moreover, WhatsApp also claims that your message is an end to end encrypted but still the WhatsApp stores a lot of information.

Moreover, the WhatsApp store listing includes the following

1. Purchases
2. Financial Info
3. Location
4. Contact Info
5. Contacts
6. User Content
7. Identifiers
8. Usage Data
9. Diagnostics

Now we come to the steps of creating an account

As we all know that the telegram is available on almost all the platforms that include Android, IOS, Linux, Windows, and Web. In order to log in the user first has to install the app from the play store and then just the user must have an active phone number and by entering the phone number the account on the telegram will get activated.

Now we Move to the personal chats that what the telegram does of the personal chats.

As we all know that both the telegram as well as Whatsapp are 2 different platforms and in order to replicate the old chats of the WhatsApp to the telegram the user first has to download the file of the text message and then has to upload the same to the telegram in order to get access to the old chats of WhatsApp.

In order to do the same, the user first has to open the chatbox of the person that the person whose chat you want to export. Then click on the more option present at the top right corner and then there click on the option Export chat. Moreover, the user has the choice to include the media or not as the option is provided after that.

Now from the share sheet that will open after that click on the option of the Telegram and then click on the option of the save chat. Now the user has transferred the chats to the telegram and now the user is able to initiate a chat by just tapping on the pencil icon in the top bar. Moreover, the user is able to set the list of contacts according to the names or according to the last seen.

That’s all was the article about telegram usage as of now a user can shift to telegram and can use it just like WhatsApp as there are not many bring differences between both of them. I hope that the user has got the answer to the question that How to Move from WhatsApp to Telegram?

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Nick Nesser
Born in Florida, brought up in New York, Nick Nesser is known as the best author for the Space section of Galaxy Reporters. Also, he is best known for his research on astronomy and his love for the satellites.


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