How to Enable Two-Step Verification on Telegram?
source: beebom

As we all know that after WhatsApp rolled out the policies and terms of services most WhatsApp users have been shifted to telegram and signal. As the privacy of the chat is still a big part that the users want in their accounts. So as earlier we have discussed that how to enable the 2fa in a signal account but most of the users have shifted to telegram than WhatsApp so the users who want to know the answer to the question that How to Enable Two-Step Verification on Telegram? then the user has come to the right place as in this article the user will get to know about all the security features of the telegram.

In order to enable the 2FA onTelegram the user has to follow the following steps:-

1. First the user has to open the telegram and then the user has to click on the option of the hamburger. The icon is located on the top left corner and then the user has to open the settings.

2. After that the user has to click on the option of privacy and security and then the user has to click on the option of the ” Two-Step Verification”.

3. Now the user has to click on the option of the create password and after that, the user has to re-enter the new password, and then the password is saved. The user must remember the password while logging in and moreover the user should also right the same somewhere in order to keep the same as secure.

4. After that telegram will ask the user for a password hint and there the user has to enter the password or the user can skip this option also.

5. After that telegram will ask you for an email for verification then the user has to enter the email and then a verification code will be sent to that email.

6. The user then has to enter the code sent to the email.

7. After entering the code the 2FA gets enabled in telegram and that’s all. Now the user has to enter the password while logging in telegram account.

That’s all was the article about and I hope that the user has got the answer to the question that How to Enable Two-Step Verification on Telegram?



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Nick Nesser
Born in Florida, brought up in New York, Nick Nesser is known as the best author for the Space section of Galaxy Reporters. Also, he is best known for his research on astronomy and his love for the satellites.


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