As we all know the conversion of a word document to a PowerPoint presentation is a big handy for the users and the beginners. And moreover, in order to continue the process, the user makes use of the apps and the online platforms but the output of the PowerPoint presentation is not clear and the quality of the original content gets damaged. By keeping this in mind by Microsoft the company has launched a key feature that will help the user to convert A word document to a PowerPoint presentation. So, if the users are looking for the answer to the question that How to Convert Word Documents to PowerPoint Presentations? then the user has come to the right place as in this article the user will get all the possible ways of converting the Word Document to the PowerPoint presentation.
Following are the steps that will help the user to convert the Word document to a PowerPoint presentation.
The first thing that the users must note is that the feature is available only in English and the feature is still not available on Safari and the internet explorer and moreover the feature only contains the written content and not the media content and the other option is that the user can add the media t the PowerPoint later also.
1. The user has to open the word document on the PC. After that, the user has to upload the file to Word from the one drive in order to open the same thing to the web version. After the opening of the document, the user has to click on the option of the click on File -> Transform.
2. Now from the transformation section the user has to click on the option of the ‘Transform to PowerPoint presentation’ which is present at the transform option and then the user has to wait for the next option.
3. After that the word software will ask the user to choose the teme from the available in which the user wants the PowerPoint Presentation.
4. After that the user has to click on the option of the transform and then the thing is done after some time the word document will be shown in the PowerPoint presentation in the chosen theme.
That’s all was the article about the converting of the word document to the PowerPoint presentation and I hope that the user has got the answer to the question that How to Convert Word Documents to PowerPoint Presentations?