The Milky Way galaxy is one of the many galaxies exist in the universe. Our galaxy is the part of a local group, which hosts around 60 galaxies, which is very small in most of the aspects, such as the number of stars, mass, and in terms of physical extent. Most of the galaxies are part of some local groups, and they exist together, but not everyone is so lucky.
In the universe, there are several places where a very less amount of mass is present. Scientists call these places as cosmic voids. Scientists located a galaxy called MCG+01-02-015, which exists alone in the vast universe. No other galaxy exists in the 100 light-years radius from the MCG+01-02-015. The galaxy probably one of the loneliest galaxies in the universe and certainly the loneliest in the known universe. Recently, scientists predict the future of the galaxy, and it’s very interesting.
The Mechanism of Galaxy in the Universe
During the initial phase of the universe, it was almost perfectly uniform. But, several regions were overpopulated, and some were underpopulated, but the differences were very negligible. Places having a massive amount of mass attracted the nearby substances, which results in the formation of galaxies, stars, and planets. Under populated places finally give up their positions, and joins with the massive masses. The remaining matter present in the newly created void formed a galaxy rather than attracted to the massive galaxies.
Recently, scientists predict the end-time events of the lone galaxy, MCG+01-02-015, and it is not the same as a normal galaxy. Scientists believe that the galaxy will undergo the momentum and gravitational exchange. As a result, these galaxies in the universe eject the lighter material to the surrounding places, and the heavier materials will go towards the center of the galaxy. Therefore, these materials will lose the required momentum.
After around 1019 to 1020 years, only a limited mass will exist in the form of a black hole, and the other non-normal matter will transform into the neutrinos and dark matter.
Read More: Milky Way Galaxy with a New Image