The intervention of human beings in the ecosystem has led to death. Even the extinction of some large animals due to climate change in Australia. The animals that tend to be on the verge of extinction were found around 42,000 years ago. Some of the almost extinct animals include the lizards that were 23 – feet long.
The research report on the extinction of large animals
According to some of the researchers who were led by Dr Frederik Saltre of the University of Flinders, numerous patterns adopted for the finding of the techniques on which the migration of humans can detect. The researchers developed a method of complex mathematical equations. For the solving of the queries on the averaging of the timelines over the landscapes.
Read More: Climate Change had No Role in the Extinction of Great Auks; Human Beings Had
Climate Change leads to death
Dr Frederik Saltre further added that they used the spatial and sophisticated models of the computer for the analyzing of the several climatic conditions that collectively include the changes in the temperature, availability of freshwater, precipitation, the desert proportion, and the coverage of the plant area in addition to the arrival of the people. The best-elaborated timing of the extinction of the megafauna is across the landscape.