source: Real Mi Central

According to some of the rumours it has been suggested that Apple is working on the development of a single device that is a Combined HomePod/Apple TV. It was rumoured earlier that the device will be having a built-in screen and a camera for FaceTime calls.

The rumours also suggest that Apple just gave a minor update to the Apple 4K TV. So, it is expected that with the launch of this new device the sales chart for Apple in the department of Television might get change. Also, it is expected that the combined device will bring a major advancement to the Apple 4K TV.

Some of the rumours also suggested that Apple is exploring a future high-end ‌HomePod‌ speaker. The new device will be including an iPad connected via a robotic arm that tracks and follows users around a room. However, the sources claim that the company was working on the development of the home pod model after it first gets released in the year 2017. But Apple dropped the idea of launching the new Home pod and instead of that is now trying to launch a Combined HomePod/Apple TV. Hence, a new product in the market.

It has also been suggested that the third generation Airpods will be launching later this year. With this, the launch of the second generation Airpods is expected to be next year. Also, it is rumoured that both the Airpods will come up with health tracking features.

The capabilities of the new device are that standard Apple TV box functions like watching video and gaming plus smart speaker use such as playing music and using Apple’s Siri digital assistant. The rumors suggested that Apple will be representing Apple’s most ambitious smart-home hardware.

With this, some of the websites also suggested that if Apple launches such a type of product in the market, then the audience should get ready to have the options for these types of devices. After the launch, it is always that Amazon and Google will also think and usually provide more features with less cost.

However, till now the launch date for the device is not there and the price is also unknown. But whenever the device will get launch in the market, one thing is sure that it will put the sales chart of Apple at the top.

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Nick Nesser
Born in Florida, brought up in New York, Nick Nesser is known as the best author for the Space section of Galaxy Reporters. Also, he is best known for his research on astronomy and his love for the satellites.


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