On Friday, Chicago police opened the investigation due to the viral video. The viral video was posted on Thursday, which showed the police officer was slamming a man onto the ground for drinking alcohol at the public bus stop. The man who was 29 years old was severely injured after being slammed by the police to the ground. The man was then hospitalized due to the injuries after the incident. On Thursday, the incident took place at Chatham bus stop. It incident happens when the man allegedly spit on the officer. The police officer detained the man for drinking alcohol in public, and then he spits on an officer, and the incident was caught on video and was posted.Â
About the investigation on the viral video
The police officer was under investigation after the forty-three-second video got viral in social media on Friday. In the video, it was clearly visible that the Chicago officer lifted the man and threw him down to the curb, smacking his head against the pavement. After the incident, the man remains motionless for some time, and the place was in horror due to the event.Â
The man who was injured was twenty-nine years old, and around 4 p.m, he was drinking alcoholic beverages inside the bus stop publically. After seeing the man consuming an alcoholic beverage in public, the officer approached him and detained him from drinking alcohol in public. The man spat in the officer’s face, which led the officer to performed the emergency takedown as per the report. Â
The officer who slammed the man onto the ground immediately notified EMC, and then the man was taken to the hospital in stable condition, according to the Chicago police. The video became viral within a day and had received 19000 shared by the Friday afternoon, and one of the facebook users, Jovanna Alexiss, protested the footage on Thursday.Â