According to the galaxy reporters and after the successful training of the flight from London to Singapore the IATA announced officially that next, they will be launching a covid-19 app for iOS users. the software of the app will allow the users to keep the verified of the covid-19 reports with themselves in that app and with that, the vaccination certificated will be there in the app of the user.
The trade association announced that the app will be available for iOS users till the 15th of April and for android users, a later date will be there. Now the app starting on the 16th April the flight from London to Barbados route has decided to do the same as the app will be checked of the traveler and then the traveler will be allowed to board the flight or not.
The Caribbean island will become the first island to accept the digital pass for the covid-19 report instead of accepting the paper documentation of the traveler for the chacking of the Covid-19 report.
Along with the storage of the Covid-19 reports and the vaccinations certificated the user can also create a digital passport in the app. The app also provides a list of the restrictions to the local travelers and with that, the other restrictions also will allow the user to see everything and check everything before flying somewhere in the world.
Moreover, any personal information that the users enter in the app for the report of the Covid-19 will remain private only as the information will get encrypted when the user enters the information and expectations for the user no other person could see the information of the user.
Moreover, according to some of the reports the IATA Travel Pass is not the only first pass in the world in the country like the US has already launched an spp under the name of the digital Excelsior Pass in the state of NewYork. The IATA is focusing on positioning the app at the level best so that the users are able to rely more on the apps that will go for travel through the flights. Now, will the app will help or not is totally dependent on the airlines, airports, and countries adopting the standard.