On Monday, a shocking incident has taken place here. In an interview, she too shared more details about her story. As per that, Virginia Roberts Giuffre claims that she was got into trafficking trap by Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. After that, she has to do sex with Prince Andrew three times. All these happen about 20 years back.Â
Robert is currently 35 years, and in an interview, she reveals her story on-air about how she met Epstein.Â
How all these things build up?
As per Roberts, she said that she was working for Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate business. There she was a locker room attendant and was recruited by Epstein’s then-girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell. She was there to provide a massage to Epstein.Â
She, too, states that after some time, Epstein hurl abuses on her as Maxwell starts to give her massage lessons. But still, it seems that they are good people, and for that, she starts to trust them. As she believes them, so she began to open up in front of them, and that time she got vulnerable to them.Â
Prince Andrew axes uncle for Epstein scandal
After all these narrations, she has gone back to her old memories and how she went to a nightclub. When she has gone to Tramo nightclub, with her Epstein, Andrew and Maxwell were too there. She also claimed that she had slept with Royal at Maxwell’s London place. When all these are going on with her, she was a 17-year-old girl.Â
She then said how horrible she felt at that time when she is having sex with Royal. She can’t do anything as they are sturdy, and apart from that all, she too needs to keep Jeffrey and Ghislaine happy. With so many things happening, she got to a bad mental condition when Ghislaine state she needs to sleep with Andrew too.Â
Now with everything is coming out, she has asked all UK citizens to support her in this difficult time.