As of now the sources of Galaxy reporters who work in the field of google have confirmed that Goole has quietly added the privacy feature to Gmail in order to set it aside from youtube. Although the privacy update has been added to Gmail then Google has done till now so far that the issue of privacy on Gmail has to yet get an update from Google. Moreover, it has been 2 months till now the Gmail app has got an update.
Moreover, earlier in the month of Feb the users faced the issue in the Gmail app as the app was showing the notification that your app is outdated and please update the app but there were no changes in the app and after a few days the notification was removed automatically by company. Moreover, it has been many years since the security features of the app have been updated.
On the other hand, the competition Apple has been working on the policy update since December but Goole lack behind it, and Google has also announced in a news in Jan 2021 that by some weeks the app of google wl gets updated with the new privacy and policy features but by the end of today till now there is no update to the privacy and policy of the app and there is no such official announcement to that also.
And as of now according to the sources, it is claimed that Google has updated some of its apps like youtube and other small apps but an update to the main apps is not there like Google Maps and Gmail. The privacy to the apps is being started labeling the small apps of google but the main apps still not have the labeling app for the privacy policy in their apps.
Moreover, there is nothing hugely unexpected in the updation of Gmail app privacy data, with the listing location and usage and the user ID, and with the usage data is information that’s shared with third-party advertisers. The company claims that all the information is stored for analytics purposes, product personalization, and app functionality.
As we all know that most of the apps remain un-updated for a long period of time, and now there is some updation in the apps like google translate and youtube music where there are some of the bug fixes with the new content. Moreover, the privacy policy of the app is updated before the content updation in the apps.
However, after all this, it is expected that Google is going to launch a new policy update to the apps with Gmail and the update will be done in this year only.