Image Credit: Tech Crunch

The new data released by the government of the United States revealed that 2019 is going to be the second or most possibly third hottest year on record. The report from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said that the average land and ocean surface temperature during October 2019 is the second-highest since 1880. 

Considering the temperature from January to October 2019 is the second hottest year since 1880. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predict that 2019 is going to be in the top 10 warmest years ever recorded. Currently, years after 1987 are capturing most of the seats in the top 10 list. NOAA revealed that there is 99.99% odds are favoring 2019 to feature in the top 5 warmest year list. However, 2019 is not going to be the warmest year. Currently, 2016 is considered as the warmest year ever recorded. Both the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and NASA agreed on the topic. 

Both NOAA and NASA calculate the temperature of the earth. But, according to a post by the Washington Post, NOAA excludes the Arctic region from its data, whereas NASA considers almost every part on the earth. 

Report in Depth

The report also reveals that in 2019 October, the global ocean and land surface temperature was 1.76 degrees above the average temperature in the 20th century. However, stats show that the average temperature in 2019 October falls short by 0.11 degrees from the hottest October list, which was recorded in 2015. Most of the regions in the world such as Africa, Europe, the Middle East, South America, Indian Ocean recorded warn temperatures, while a small part in the western side of the United States recorded cold temperatures during October. 

The report shows that increasing carbon emission is a significant cause of growing temperatures in the world.

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Mary Woods
A news media professional with strong experience in online journalism, content management, and social media. Dwayne’s strength includes the sound knowledge of the environment and nature. Mary manages the Environment based news coverage on Galaxy Reporters.


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